Install ServiceBell Widget on Proposal/Quote Pages (Must-Read)

🚨 WARNING: Dock is giving some users errors when adding the embed code. To avoid any issues, please follow each step of this tutorial, exactly as shown:

  1. Go to Settings → Widget → Install
  2. Copy and paste your app key. It should look something like this: “773123f77hbd64297938d34b517bf2829" This is just an example


  1. Head over to Dock → Workspaces
  2. Choose the workspace or template you’d like to embed ServiceBell into
  3. Click “Add Section” → “Embed” → “Custom Code”
  4. Paste in EXACTLY the following code snippet:
  !function(w,d){function e(e,i){w.ServiceBell.q=w.ServiceBell.q||[],w.ServiceBell.q.push([e,i])}if(!w.ServiceBell){const i=function(i,...n){e(i,n)};["init","identify","dial","alert","bookMeeting","hide","show","expand","collapse","connect","disconnect","showPopup"].forEach((function(n){i[n]=function(...i){e(n,i)}})),w.ServiceBell=i}var s=d.createElement("script");"service-bell-script",s.src="<>",s.async=1;var i=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];i.parentNode.insertBefore(s,i)}(window,document);
  ServiceBell("init", "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY_HERE", { mode: "iframe-jit" });
  1. Replace the text between the quotes “YOUR_CLIENT_KEY_HERE” with the key you copied from the first step.
    1. DO NOT use the embed snippet from the first step, only copy the key and paste it into the above code snippet to avoid errors.

main_large (3).gif